Special Offerings

We have a monthly Tween Girls group for girls ages 10-13/14 who are neurodiverse and want to build connection, skills, and have a place to learn more about how their neurodiversity impacts their school, home and social life. $50 per session. Just come to the clinic and email [email protected] to let us know you are interested!

Our Neurodiverse parenting group supports families across our area who are parenting one more more kids with neurodiversity. We share, connect, provide resources and are a safe space to process the joys and hardships of parenting a special needs child. The group is $50 per session and provides all the resources. If you have a child in our OT Male Tween group or a female in our Social Skills group that run at the same time, the price is just $50 for both services! Email: [email protected] if you would like to sign up or get more information!